FeelAliveAgri is a brand that caters to the needs of passionate people in agriculture by offering affordable and stylish clothing and accesories. Our founder, Jack Sheffield, has a wealth of experience in farming, having grown up and living on the family farm in East Sussex, attending agricultural college, and working in different UK counties and Australia, Jack got an deep insight into people's devotion for agriculture. Our brand is designed to be versatile and can be worn on the farm, in the field, in the tractor, at the shows, or just up the local pub.

It's July 2014, harvest is in full swing and over in Kent Jack is driving a John Deere 7530. The combines were romping away at the wheat and the team was in full swing. CB Radio's for a long time have kept teams working efficiently and still continue to do so, they also provide a great platform for camaraderie. Jack said a phrase over the CB that stuck, "Feeling Alive In The Seven Five"
This phrase became a joke the whole of harvest and in fact even the next! It also became a trending hashtag on instagram used by many others.
Jack decided to head out to Australia in 2016 to drive a combine (header) down the North coast in New South Wales. Jack made friends for life out there at work which have now become big fans of the brand all the way over the other side of the world, he also was inspired tremendously by the amazing flat landscapes and wide clothesline sunsets but also got a wide portfolio of ideas which he used later on with inspiration and ideas into current products. Jack noticed people loved huge decals on windscreens of trucks and tractors, he also loved their cotton work shirts and especially the unique trucker caps, even the neoprene beer bottle coolers.
Now back the U.K. Jack was driving another 7530 funnily enough (Of course with his Sheffyy name plate in the window as thats what everyone called him) and the #FeelAliveInThe75 awoke again after a few years off. He decided this phrase was popular and had potential, so he had a whole bunch of decals made up and sent them out to followers on instagram free of charge that requested on a first come first serve basis. The decals were a huge hit! This gave Jack an idea, what if he was to create a brand aimed at likeminded people?
And that is how FEELALIVEAGRI was born, in 2017 in a notepad in a tractor cab.
Jack had a lot to teach himself and learn, he envisioned black polos with a rich yellow logo across the back being his two favourite colours, a selection of hashtag decals, caps etc. But first he had to build a website! It was all new to him and a steep learning curve. Jack also had to face the doubters and the negative comments which told him it wouldn't work! "You can't make a living selling a few silly decals", "You will run out of customers eventually" Jack was now charged up and ready to get to work!
February 2018 and the online store opens! Jack decided this business needed time devoted to making it great and bravely stepped out the tractor cab and gave up the contracting job up to put his time into FEELALIVEAGRI which was a bold move.
Jack slowly got the ball rolling and broadened the range, with the hashtag decals being the first ever product he decided it was time to market a FEELALIVEAGRI decal! he thought we should do a small one (250mm) a big one (550mm) then after that an XL one (750mm) the eventually the BIG one! the 1 Metre one! So now that explains the story behind the famous FEELALIVEAGRI decal!
The brand has now come very far since selling small decals with a hashtag and a slogan and has continued to evolve the clothing over the past few years and will continue to do so. Now you can say you know what FEELALIVEAGRI means, and how it originated!
We're thrilled to know that you enjoyed reading our story and browsing our website. Our team is dedicated to providing the best possible experience for our visitors, so please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or feedback.